I find stories of organized religion-change fascinating.

What leads a Muslim to forsake his family'south organized religion?

How does an Orthodox Jewish girl movement abroad from the simply belief she's ever known?

Why does a devout Mormon family switch allegiances?

It is so amazing to witness their struggle, to experience the tearing of their hearts, and to see (in some) the dawning of a new faith.

Having said that, forsaking faith sends shock waves through those left backside. When the famed evangelist (and associate of Baton Graham) Charles Templeton forsook Christianity and embraced atheism, Christians reeled. Whether it'due south on a larger stage or within our own friendships and families, people leaving faith creates a struggle for understanding. How could this happen?

Why do people who've have faithfully followed Jesus sometimes plough abroad?

In a recent message I shared with the Erickson Covenant Church, I explored x reasons people have walked away from Jesus. They were either the primary reasons, or they created the conditions which resulted in them walking away.

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10 Reasons People Plough Abroad From Jesus

  1. Disgust in other Christians. People who have been injure by other Christians will often pull back, feeling betrayed and stung by the hypocrisy they've experienced. Whether through church division or personal conflicts, people tin question the validity of the Christian organized religion when Jesus followers seem less Christian than those outside the church building.
  2. Disappointment with God. When God doesn't seem to exist hearing me or answering my prayers, disappointment tin set in. Often this is due to unrealistic and untrue expectations of what God was going to do in the first place, but information technology also tin can happen when God seems silent and unresponsive. Are you even there, God?
  3. Difficulties. Related to disappointment, we can feel difficulties in life that can drive us abroad from God. Following Jesus can make life worse, bravado up relationships, inviting persecution, the rejection of family, and hard times. Or, quite merely, the ongoing call to take upward our cross and follow Jesus can become more we signed up for.
  4. Distractions.We live in a hyper-busy world, and our attention can jump from one thing to another. I've seen people who used to be actually fired up but at present have other priorities. Now I'chiliad on to a new concern venture and I don't really take time to invest in spiritual growth. I signed the kids upward for hockey and nosotros just tin't arrive to worship anymore. I've got this new hobby, etc. And lark from faith leads to the destruction of faith.
  5. Discouragement. I've heard it many times, when people feel like they have been trying then hard and getting nowhere. Discouraged with themselves, discouraged with their lack of feel with God, discouraged past some recurring sin, they give up.
  6. Dubiousness. Of course, there are those who struggle with doubt. Maybe their aren't and then sure about the resurrection or that Jesus actually is the Son of God. Mayhap they've got doubts about the Bible. This could be honest doubtfulness, and that needs to exist expressed in an open community. Doubt can be a not bad pathway to growth and learning.   Dubiousness could also betoken a lack of discipleship–they've never actually been taught or atomic number 82 to grapple with the basics of faith. Simply doubt can also be a smoke screen for sin (adjacent point).
  7. Desires. The truth is, some people exit the faith because they don't want to live under Jesus' authority.I want to sleep with her. I want to serve myself. I  want to rip them off. I want to exercise what I desire to do when I desire to do it.  And they walk away from Jesus. Often when people voice concerns almost the uniqueness of Jesus, it's roofing over a desire to practise something that contradicts his Lordship. By ditching Jesus' leadership, they feel costless to live how they want.
  8. Distance. Distance ofttimes comes every bit a result of other things–we feel disappointed or disgusted, we are distracted or have doubts, and we pull abroad. We isolate ourselves from other followers of Jesus and before too long we just don't experience a part of things anymore. Sometimes distance is chosen, and other times is comes due to mental or concrete disease, difficult family situations or a change in lifestyle. Only make no fault, distance isolates and leads people abroad from faith.
  9. PC: Pixabay.com Free Images

    Migrate. I've noticed that people who never put any intentionality into their spiritual growth simply migrate. Like a gunkhole with no oars, no sail and no motor, they cease up somewhere far away. Perhaps they had embraced a basic faith in Jesus, only without intentional community, without incorporating spiritual practices, without choosing to follow Jesus, they ended upwards globe-trotting away.

  10. Cant. And finally, we can be deceived. Nosotros believe a lie near who Jesus is and what life is all almost;  we come under spiritual influences that cloud our minds. We mind to a buddy at piece of work or a brother we respect, and our faith is quelled; we read a compelling book or watch a viral video, and the argument presented seems so persuasive. Without ever exploring valid alternatives, we accept a lie and religion is dislodged. In that location is an enemy, and he seeks to deceive and devour.
What do you lot call up?

What are the top reasons you've seen turn people abroad from religion in Jesus?

If yous've struggled with any of them yourself, what did you lot exercise to overcome it?